The LEJOG hike – some of the practicalities
Here you can find out about the boring – but vital – logistics of undertaking a walk like this.
To make it a bit more digestible, it’s broken down into a number of sections, which can be accessed from here.
Scroll down the page to see what’s on this part of the website.
You can click on the first (or any) of the sections then at the bottom of the section are links taking you backwards and forwards to the next sections, so you can easily read them all from top to bottom in sequence.
Click here to read about the rules I made up for this walk 
Going on a hike like this should be an opportunity to get away from rules and regulations. But I decided to invent some anyway. Six in fact.
Read about them here.
Click here to find out how I trained and prepared for the journey
I discovered – possibly to my cost – that while prior preparation is essential for a trip like this, you can overdo it. This section explains what I did – and shouldn’t have done.
And in this section, I come clean about how much this trip cost me. It was a lot – so if you don’t want to be shocked, skip this bit!
Click here to find out about the kit that I carried with me
I started with 38lb on my back and finished with 50. Find out how this happened, and what was in my personal Pandora’s Box, by clicking here.
Click here to learn about the most vital bits of kit – clothes and boots
Yes – without dry feet and warm, waterproof clothes, you’ll probably die. I didn’t want to do this, so took clothing for every eventuality with me.
This section explains what I actually took, and how I balanced utility with weight
Click here to find out what I ate (and drank)
OK well even if you are warm and dry you will still die if you don’t eat or drink anything.
As I didn’t want that to happen, I ate and drank a lot. But I wouldn’t recommend my diet to the health-conscious..
Click here to read about hypochondria and health
Considering what I ate en route, I actually consider myself quite fortunate not to have a heart attack. This section explains how I treated minor ailments, and worried about everything else.
It’s not for qualified health professionals and definitely not for the squeamish.
Click here to find where I stayed overnight.
I’d set out to camp as much as I could and in the end I stayed under canvas 58 of the 79 nights I was away. Find out from this section how I organised my camping – and where I was when i wasn’t’ in a tent
Click here to read about my daily routine
I was busy from the moment I awoke to the moment I went to sleep. How on earth could I find so much to do? When this section explains exactly what I did do all day, minute-by-minute.
Click here to find out how I got to the start – and got back again at the end
Yes its the small details that make all the difference. Like whether or not you will be able to get started, and more important still, if you will be able to get back again.
And by definition, given that Land’s End and John O’Groats are as far away from everywhere as it’s possible to get, you need to allow plenty of time (and money!).
Click here to find out about meeting up with people along the way
I was fortunate that as I walked, people wanted to come and meet me and walk sections with me. It certainly brightened up the day, but could cause some logistic challenges actually arranging to be in the right place at the right time. In this section, you can find out how I did it.