02 Feb 2014; Amersham to Coleshill (loop)

02 Feb 2014; Amersham to Coleshill (loop)
Walk descriptor Test Day 00
Date Sun 02 Feb 2014 Start to end time 03h 22m
Start point Amersham End point Coleshill (loop)
Miles today 09.15 Cu miles 9.15
Ft today 853 Cu ft 853
Route miles left .00 Route ft left
Today’s weather Bright and low winter sun most of the day. Hardly any wind. No rain. About 6 C
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Today’s location
(the red cross in a circle shows where I am at the moment)
GPX based track of today’s walk
(click here to access to access downloadable file)

This was a short walk, taking advantage of a clear sunny day, but mainly to test out for the first time all the gear for my LEJOG walk (now only **NEXT MONTH**!)

Got everything into the pack (kindly provided by Fox’s) and it weighed in at 31lb. Not too bad, and I didn’t feel totally crippled when I got back! Still a few more things to add in, but may be able to jettison some of the heavier items I carried today, like the winter-weight hat and gloves.

For the first time in what seems ages, it didn’t rain today and remarkably, the mud in a few places was beginning to dry out. But still pretty boggy in parts, and the streams and rivers were full to bursting (the river in the Old Town is currently flowing down the sides of the High Street!).

Very enjoyable walk, with clear views and pleasant weather. Interesting comings and goings via helicopter at Brentwood Grange Farm.

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)
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Garden of Remembrance, Amersham old town Testing out the gear, for the first time!
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Looking north to Amersham from near Welpley’s Wood Belted Galloway cattle at Brentford Grange Farm
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First sign of Spring – snowdrops in woods near Coleshill Sunset from hillside between old and new Amersham
Val making a bid for freedom on a Microsoft screen-saver..
The previous day’s blog follows below the blue line
Solid line blue