19 January 2014: Amersham to Wendover via Coombe Hill

19 January 2014: Amersham to Wendover via Coombe Hill
Walk descriptor Test walk Day 00
Date Sun 19 Jan 2014 Start to end time 05h 34m
Start point Amersham End point Wendover
Miles today 13.40 Cu miles 0,000.00
Ft today 1392 Cu ft 000,000
Route miles left 0,000 Route ft left 000,000
Today’s weather Bright and sunny.   Light breeze.  Warm in the sun but cold by late afternoon
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Today’s location
(the red cross in a circle shows where I am at the moment)
GPX based track of today’s walk
(click here to access to access downloadable file)

Another training walk, along the south side of the Misbourne valley from Amersham to Wendover.   It’s always a beautiful walk and the rare sunshine today made it especially enjoyable.   Brilliant sunshine all the way but, with the exception of Coombe Hill towards the end, not may people about.

Interesting cloud formations early on, and plenty of wildlife.   Spotted a huge rabbit grazing near Hyde Heath, and plenty of red kites, with plaintive mewing call.   Near Coombe Hill there was the unusual sight of three real red kites circling a child’s red coloured kite being flown by a family at the bottom of the monument.

Stopped for quick lunch at Gt Missenden church and then for a quick break at the Coombe Hill monument, from where there were good views of Chequers, at the bottom of the hill.   No sign of the PM today, though!

Arrived in Wendover just in time to catch the 3:47 back to Amersham.   A thoroughly enjoyable day out.

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)
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Above Gt Missenden Curious clouds on way to Hyde Heath.   I think they are Velum clouds, which had a pearlescent spectrum at the edge
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In the beech trees below Hyde Heath.   From the left of the woods, there are brilliant views of Misbourne valley. Beech tree near Coombe Hill.   Must have come down in Xmas 2013 storms, as it was still standing when I was last here in early Dec
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Boer War monument (again) at Coombe Hill.   Only light wind today, warm sun.   Like early spring View to Wendover from way down Coombe Hill
The valley leading down to Gt Missenden.   Very bucolic.
The previous day’s blog follows below the blue line
Solid line blue