27 Oct 2013: Amersham to Shardeloes

27 Oct 2013: Amersham to Shardeloes
Walk descriptor Test walk  
Day 03 Start to end time 02h 23m
Date Sun 27 Oct 2013 Cu miles 7.2
Start point Amersham End point Shardeloes
Miles today 7.2 Miles left 9999


Today’s weather Stormy with heavy rain, strong winds, and occasional bright sunshine.   Mild


2013-10-27 11.03.35a


2013-10-27 11.03.01

Today’s location

(the red circle and cross shows where I am at the moment)

GPX based track of today’s walk

(click here to access downloadable file)



A short Sunday morning circular walk from Amersham, taking in Shardeloes and the Misbourne Valley to the West of Amersham.   The day had started with a deluge of rain and finished with forecasts of storms and strong winds but in between was a sunny interval which made for a very pleasant walk.   Not many people about, given the early hour (despite everyone having had an extra hour in bed with the clocks-change).   Most of the trees still had plenty of leaves – Autumn is only just starting.   Val managed to find a geocache in Parsonage Wood (Rectory Hill) on the way back!   Resisted the temptation to drop into the excellent “Seasons” café in the old town, as we need to be back in time to take the latest batch of apples to Chiltern Ridge Farm for turning into juice.


Today’s photos (click to enlarge)


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In Bray’s Wood, near Hyde Heath

Getting your ducks in a row near Toby’s farm in Little Missenden

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Shardeloes lake

Market Hall, Old Amersham

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St Mary’s Church, Old Amersham

Trees in Parsonage Wood still not showing much sign of Autumn colours, even at the end of October


The previous day’s blog follows below the blue line

 Solid line blue