Picture of The crown pub in Little Missenden

31 December 2013: Amersham Great Missenden circuit

31 December 2013: Amersham Great Missenden circuit
Walk descriptor Test walk Day 00
Date Tue 31 Dec 2013 Start to end time 03h 47m
Start point Amersham End point Great  Missenden (circuit)
Miles today 13.37 Cu miles 0,000.00
Ft today 889 Cu ft 000,000
Route miles left 0,000 Route ft left 000,000
Today’s weather Dry but overcast at start but soon clouded over and it started raining.   No sun, mild (about  8C)
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Today’s location
(the red cross in a circle shows where I am at the moment)
GPX based track of today’s walk
(click here to access to access downloadable file)

Another very wet walk in the Chilterns.   Started off dry but skies got darker and darker and after about half an hour’s walking, it started to pour again.   Plenty to see along the way: a glimpse of a jay in the woods near Amersham, and plenty of fallen trees, which hadn’t survived recent gales.   Despite all the rain, the river in Gt Missenden was still dried up – must have found an alternative watercourse underground.   Very few walkers about, which isn’t perhaps surprising as it was a Tuesday in late December and pouring with rain!

Skies slightly clearer on return to Amersham – hopefully it will be a bit better for firwork viewing from Primrose Hill, London, tonight!

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)
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Remind me never to camp underneath beech trees on stormy nights! Path passes under a perfect natural arch near Hyde Heath
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Ever wondered why the Ordnance Survey show paths as green lines on maps?   This is why! Bridge over the river Misbourne near Gt Missenden.   Currently dried up, as often happens with “bourne” streams in chalk countryside
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Powering the nation!   Pylons lead to Mop End sub-station: once a bombing target for the IRA Mistletoe in lime tree near Shardeloes.   Very seasonal!
Sheep grazing near Chalkdell Wood, Frith Hill, Gt Missenden
The previous day’s blog follows below the blue line
Solid line blue