Detailed route (!!slow!!)

Detailed interactive map

This page shows the actual route I walked in Spring 2014

This map displays the actual GPX route that I created as I walked.   There are 28,013 waypoints, the route is 1,492 miles long, and there are 199,472 ft of ascent.   (Note that the mileages and height gains shown on the various maps and associated with the GPX files can vary because of the way in which the map projection interprets track data.   1,492mi / 199,472ft is the actual distance / height gain of the track that I actually walked)


Press lo res map button

For technology fans…

You can save the route as a “GPX” file to use on your GPS device or smartphone with a suitable app (like “Viewranger”).   To do this, click the “download” link below the map. 

You can scroll over the map to zoom in

Detailed map:

Way-points (where the path changes direction) are  approximately 100 metres (walking distance by path) apart.

Total distance: 0 m
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: C%20i%20LEJOG%20Adamswalk%20complete%20route%20BIG%20FILE.gpx

NB the route file for the planned route is at the following link (For testing purposes – only press this if you are prepared to wait a long time for the file to download): ver 16.gpx


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There’s a summary of my latest blog below.

To read the whole thing, press here!


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