Track me

Track me minute-by-minute as I walk!

The “ViewRanger” electronic mapping app that I am using to navigate my walk has a neat feature called “Buddy Beacon” which sends a signal over the mobile phone network with my GPS co-ordinates as I walk.   The “ViewRanger” website allows you to view this in real-time to track progress.   It shows not only my current location, but also the previous 500 locations, so you can follow the route.

It is PIN protected for security.

I’ve set my Buddy Beacon to send a signal every 2 minutes, so you will be able to see where I am now and where I’ve been for the last 16 hours, 40 minutes.

To log into my Buddy Beacon track, you will need the Username and PIN that you were emailed if you sponsored me.

To learn more about “Buddy Beacon” click here



How to access my Buddy Beacon track

First you need to go to the buddy beacon site by clicking this link:

You will see a screen that looks like the following:

Buddy Beacon login

Second, click thebuddybeaconlogo
icon at the top right hand side of the screen.   You will see a screen that looks like this:

BB Username and PIN screen

Third, enter the username and PIN you were emailed when you sponsored me.   You should see a screen like the one below, which shows where I am now and where I have been today.

Buddy Beacon track

Fourth, by using the menu bar at the bottom, you can examine earlier days’ tracks (but only up to 16 hours 40 minutes before the present), display a bigger screen, and change timezones.   The timer button at the bottom left is especially useful as it allows you set the screen to auto-refresh at fixed intervals.   If you click it

BB timer screenshot

You should see a screen like the following, which you can set as you prefer:

BB timer screen






From here you can…

Read my story
 More short button
Find out what inspired me to do this walk
Sponsor me
 Sponsor short button
To help send a UK Scout or Guide from a less-privileged background to the World Scout Jamboree in 2015. Press arrow to straight to JustGiving site or click “Sponsorship” in menu bar above for more info
Read daily update
 Blog short button
Updated every day after my walk – network availability permitting!
Get maps and details
 Map short button
Find out where I will be, when, and access detailed downloadable maps
Message me!
 Messages short button
Join in the public discussion by posting on my message board!
Contact me
 Email short button
Send me words of encouragement, or if you’d like to join me for a part of the walk! Click to send a email or press “Contact” in menu bar above for more contact options


There’s a summary of my latest blog below.

To read the whole thing, press here!


Thank you for visiting this website. I hope you will be able to sponsor me.

Please feel free to forward a link to this website, or my JustGiving site, to friends or colleagues who you think might be interested in supporting this worthy cause.