Day 00: 23 Mar 2014; Amersham to Lizard

Day 00: 23 Mar 2014; Amersham to Lizard
Walk descriptor LEJOG2014 Day 00
Date Sun 23 Mar 2014 Start to end time 05h 30m
Start point Amersham End point Lizard
Miles today 310.00 Cu miles .00
Ft today Cu ft
Route miles left .00 Route ft left
Today’s weather Sunshine and showers. About 9 C in the sun, 4 C in the rain. Moderate westerly breeze
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Today’s location
(the red cross in a circle shows where I am at the moment)
GPX based track of today’s walk
(click here to access to access downloadable file)

Drove down to Lizard, and the start of the hike, today. Remarkably easy journey down the M4 and M5 – no nold ups, and only took about 5 and a half hours with a couple of stops.

We have checked in to a nice B&B in Lizard  (Carmelin – highly recommended) and just been down for a stroll to Lizard Point – at 49° 57.53′ North – the most Southerly point in mainland UK and the start of my walk tomorrow.

Last night in a “proper” bed for a week – camping from now on until Wadebridge.  Heading for Marazion tomorrow, and it’s quite a slog – about 24 miles and 3000 ft-plus of climbing, so plenty of carbohydrate loading this evening and currently enjoying tea in the brilliant afternoon sunshine in the conservatory.

Deliberately not checking the weather forecast as I have a suspicion it’s a bit iffy….

By the way – in case of interest, I weighed in this morning before setting off at 11 st 9 lb  (74 kg) and my rucksack weighed 38 lb / 17 kg.   Clothing including boots was 7.4 lb / 3.4 kg.   Will re-weigh at end and see what’s changed…

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)
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At the Lizard town sign Brilliant daffodils growing in the grounds of the Youth Hostel – looks nice but fully booked at the moment with what looks like a course of National Trust aficionados
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Looking up to the Lighthouse at Lizard – now operated by the National Trust Down on the beach below the life-boat station at Lizard
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With Val, selfie on the beach (NB not make-up free!) Descriptive noticeboard down at Lizard Point
Panorama looking towards the Lizard itself. The most southerly point, where the walk starts, is the curve in the road
The previous day’s blog follows below the blue line
Solid line blue